Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Who is Genna?

"Vaguely I planned: Max would visit me sometime, and his visit would coincide with a Bob-o-links performance. He would meet Minette Swift my roommate and closest friend..." (92)

What does this passage reveal about the character of Genna? Can you relate to her? and what is her relationship with her parents?


Marissa G 4 said...

I think this passage reveals the Genna dosent really have many friends event hough she talks to many people she dosent REALLY have any friends. She almost depends on Minette. That was the thing she thought of showing Max. I think it shows her relationship with her parents by she is not very clse to them. I mean she does call them by there first names. Genna seems and looks like an average girl but i think there is alot more to her than we realize.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Marissa that Genna does depend on Minette. Her parents are like activists against racism and prejudice, so it is natural for Genna to be friendly to Minitte, howevere Minitte does not seem to depend on Genna. Her parents do not seem close to her eithere, especialy because she stopped calling them mom and dad. She calls them Max and Veronic, to keep it more casual, and so she won't get attatched because as soon as you label, or name something it means you have gotten attached. If she keeps it simple as Veronica and Max, she won't get attached since they're never around.