Sunday, May 18, 2008


Before reading this novel have you ever read any books on discrimination and what were the cases did they come to death like in Minette's case? Those books are more common than a white and a black befriending each other. Also would you consider Minette and Genna to be friends?

Thursday, May 15, 2008


From the time we choose to read this book to the point we are at what are the diffrences in what you thought was going to happen with the plot and what has actually happened.


Who's to blame in this story?
Is there someone to blame?
Recently, in discussions we've talked about who's fault is it for Minette being bullied...
Is it Minette's behavior?
Could it be Genna's fault? Does she know more than she says?
Or can you even blame anyone?

Do you guys think Genna knows anything about Minette's death, and if she did would she tell some one?
Could Genna be ignoring what is happening to Minitte.

This is getting too long, but:

in this passage, ""Strange, the dining hall without Minette Swift!...I was free, when I entered the dining hall, to sit at any table I wished." (202)
Do you think Genna felt relieved?

Friday, May 9, 2008

An Article

I found this interesting article about school segregation. I think the author of the article is similar to Genna. The article is kind of long, but you can get a lot out of the first few paragraphs. You don't have to read the whole article, you can just skim it.

How does the article relate to Genna? If you were in Genna's situtation, would you have acted the way Genna did? or just ignore Minette?


You can see into a window or you can look out of a window. What do you think they signify in the book? They might not even symbolize anything, but it is mentioned a lot.

Some quotes
"somebody tossed it out of a window. For meaness." (56)
"I told Minette that her window would be repaired good as new...
What good'll that do, they will only break it again." (18)

Why a window, her book could have be thrown from anything?
Anything else could have broken?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Who is Genna?

"Vaguely I planned: Max would visit me sometime, and his visit would coincide with a Bob-o-links performance. He would meet Minette Swift my roommate and closest friend..." (92)

What does this passage reveal about the character of Genna? Can you relate to her? and what is her relationship with her parents?