Thursday, May 15, 2008


From the time we choose to read this book to the point we are at what are the diffrences in what you thought was going to happen with the plot and what has actually happened.


Anonymous said...

I definately did not expect this plot, if you consider it a plot, to happen. I thought it'd be more violent and a group of white kids against a group of black kids, but it's just the entire world, black and white, against one black girl. The book is definately not what expected, and for someone who is going to die, you'd expect the plot to be more interesting, and you'd expect more "oh my gosh" moments, but everythign seems calm. I don't know how small pranks can build up to somethign as big as murder?

Ngoc D. 1 said...

I didn't really choose this book as my independent reading. However, when I saw the title and read a little summar in the book's jacket, I thought it was going to be a "black girl" and a "white girl" being friends despite of the segregation and discrimination back then. Also, I thought it was going to be more exciting, like a mystery that leads to Minette's death. I was disappointed when I actually read the book since it was nothing of what I had expected and the book, like Lynn said, is too "calm" to be about a murder. And so part that is gruesome, the tone is very melow.